Private Great Ocean Road Tours

Service, style and comfort is just the beginning.

Private Great Ocean

Road Tours

Service, style and comfort
is just the beginning.

Private Great
Ocean Road Tours.

Experience a relaxing full-day exploring the breathtaking scenery of long sandy beaches and dramatic limestone stacks and cliffs. The Great Ocean Road is one of the world’s truly spectacular coastlines that will not disappoint all year round. Choose a personalised experience in our deluxe mini-coach for a unique private take on this natural wonder. Your passionate guide will pick you and your group up from a centrally located Melbourne hotel in a comfortable, perfect fit vehicle to experience the luxuries of a private group tour.

The Great Ocean Road begins at Torquay, famous for local surfing spots and striking sandy beaches. Your private tour will stretch through several pleasant port towns, taking in awe-inspiring scenery before stopping at Kennett River. Here, you have the chance to sight Australia’s iconic Koala in the wild. 

Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant in the picturesque town of Apollo Bay. We will then continue to follow the Great Ocean Road to the spectacular towering ancient Eucalyptus forest of the Otway Ranges. Experience a subtropical rainforest meander. 

Your journey will peak as you view the impressive limestone pillars that rise from the ocean. Port Campbell National Park is the home of the dramatic Twelve Apostles. Learn the tragic stories of Australia’s Shipwreck coast and visit Loch Ard Gorge. See the power of erosion as you wander down Gibsons Steps. Your personalised group tour will allow plenty of opportunities to pause at the lookouts and take in this truly awesome coastal wonder of Victoria.

private great ocean road tours